Sunday, September 12, 2010

To the Single Christian

A friend of my went to the 2010 World Changers Church International Men's Conference. He told me that he received so much revelation and knowledge from this conference. He shared with me a letter that they gave to all the single men that was "written" by God. This letter blessed me and I want to share it with you. Just because you are single, does not mean that you are alone. God is ALWAYS with you and He longs to be #1 in your life. Give Him that spot and develop in Him as you patiently wait for a mate. It is not in God's Will for you to be without a human champion (Genesis 2:18). However, he wants you to long, hunger, & thirst for Him (Matthew 5:6) more than you would a mate.


Dear Single Friend,

Everyone longs to give themselves completely to someone... to have a deep spiritual and anointed relationship with another... to be loved thoroughly and exclusively. However, GOD to a Christian says, "NO! Not until you are satisfied, fulfilled and content with being loved by ME alone by giving yourself totally to ME... to have an intensely personal & unique relationship with ME alone."

When you discover that only in ME will your satisfaction be truly found will you then be capable of the perfect human relationship that I have planned for you. You will never be spiritually united with another until you are united with ME.

It must be exclusive of all others and other desires or longings. I want you to stop planning, stop wishing, stop hoping, and allow ME to give you the most thrilling plan ever. A plan that you cannot imagine. I want you to have the best. Please allow ME to bring it to you. You must keep watching ME. Expect the greatest of things. Keep listening and learning the things that I have planned for you. You just wait, that's all!

Don't be anxious and don't worry. Don't look at the other things that others have gotten or that I have given with them. Don't look at the things you think you want... just keep looking off and away and up to ME. Otherwise, you will miss what I have to show you.

When you are ready, I'll surprise you with a love far more wonderful than any you would dream of. Until you and the one I am preparing for you are both satisfied with ME and the life that I have prepared for you, you won't be able to experience the perfect Love that I wish for you. Understand that I am working at this very moment to have both of you ready at the same time.

And, Dear Love, I want you to have this perfect Love. Know that I Love you and want the best for you. Have faith in these things, trust in ME and be satisfied with ME.

The Lord

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Overcoming Hurt through LOVE

I'm certain that every human being has experience some type of hurt at least once in their lives. Whether it was from abandonment, betrayal, deceit, or anger, getting hurt by someone is painful. Our human nature doesn't want us to get hurt so when we do, we use mechanisms to prevent further and future hurt. We build up walls, we start hurting other people, and we shut down our emotions so people can't cause us pain. Ever hear the expression "Hurting people hurt people"? This expression is true. Instead of properly dealing with our emotions, we turn our hurt into anger or depression and continue that vicious cycle of hurt & pain.

I'm here to tell you that, we don't have to follow the norm. We can break free from that cycle of hurt & pain by LOVING those who hurt us. When someone hurts us, we tend to hold grudges & have unforgiveness in our hearts. But that only binds us to pain. When we learn to let go of what they did and CHOOSE to forgive them, we are free from our feelings of hurt & pain. Loving someone who hurts us can be difficult but it can be done by the grace of God. In fact, the Word of God tells us to do this so we won't be bound by hurt and pain. In Romans 12:14, 17-21, we see that instead cursing that individual that we need to bless and pray for them as we let God deal with them. In Matthew 5:43-48, Jesus tells us to that we need to live like Godly people and love EVERYONE as God loves us. Jesus gave us TWO commandments: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and 'Love your neighbor as yourself' (Luke 10:27). Jesus didn't give a stipulation to his commandments; it doesn't say love your neighbor unless he or she hurts you. We are to LOVE and that's it!!! Love is a POWERFUL weapon that can overcome any hurt and pain that we experience. God wants all of His children to be free from any attack from the enemy, which includes hurt and pain. By doing His commandment and choosing to LOVE, we are living the life that God wants us to live free from negativity including hurt. When we allow hurt and pain to manifest in our lives, we keep ourselves contained in a box filled with darkness. Indirectly we are telling God that we don't trust Him enough to deliver us from hurt and pain and that we will deal with the hurt and pain ourselves. We can NOT do anything without God. With God, we can bind those chains of hurt and pain as well as the feelings of depression and anger. Satan wants us to be bound so we can continue that cycle of hurt and pain but God wants us to be free from it by His grace.

God has delivered me from the chains of hurt and pain and I want to share with you how I did it with Him:
  1. Choose to forgive those who hurt you and caused you pain - Forgiveness is a CHOICE! It is not a feeling. We can still be saddened by what someone did to us and choose to forgive them. Forgiveness means to the process of concluding resentment, indignation, or anger as a result of a perceived offense, difference or mistake, and/or ceasing to demand punishment or retaliation. Once we forgive, we need to let go of what he or she did and move on. By not forgiving our transgressors, we block our own blessings and give power to the enemy. Forgiveness begets freedom!
  2. Use the healing process as a time of development and growth - Sometimes when we get hurt, we pretend as though we are not hurt. This should not happen because we now have a false sense of how we feel. This does not allow us to handle our hurt properly. If one day, you are hurting and you start to cry, allow your tears to fall and ask the Holy Spirit to be your comforter and give you God's perfect peace. If on another day, you start getting angry at the person who hurt you, ask God for forgiveness and start praying for the person. The healing process is a time of development and growth so you can be closer to the Father.
  3. Love despite how you feel - Love is also a CHOICE! The world perceives love as a feeling but that type of love is conditional. God wants His children to have unconditional love. This means that regardless of how a person treats you, you will ALWAYS love them. If a relationship is too unhealthy for you to still remain in that person's life, you can still love that person by praying for them and asking God to bless them. Loving a person is turning the other cheek not taking an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
In closing, I want you to know that loving someone who hurt you does not make you a punk or weak. It makes you strong in the Lord because you are moving past your feeling and doing what is right by being obedient to God's word. If you have any hurt, pain, or unforgiveness in your heart, I pray to ask the Father to rid that from you and CHOOSE to overcome that hurt through LOVE!

God Bless!!!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Take Authority Over Your Life

Scenario: An obedient man of God has just lost his job. He has bills that are due and a family that he must support. He doesn't know where his family's next meal will come from or how the bills will get paid but he knows that, spiritually, he has two choices to make - 1) Murmur & complain about loosing his job and sit there as his bad situation is occurring OR 2) Take AUTHORITY and speak over his circumstances & have faith in God to be his ONLY source & make a way out of no way.

Which would you choose?

First let me define AUTHORITY to give you a clear understanding of how powerful having AUTHORITY is. AUTHORITY is the "power to influence or command thought, opinion, or behavior". I believe that many Christians forget that God has given us AUTHORITY and dominion over this earth. God has told us in His Word that we have the AUTHORITY to bind & loose things on this earth (Matt. 16:19), the AUTHORITY to trample on snakes & scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy (Luke 10:19) and the AUTHORITY to cast out demons (Matt. 10:7-8). When we are face with problems or challenges in life, we immediately cry out to God to fix everything and make it alright. It is good to cry out to the Father but what are we Christians going to do when trouble faces us? Sit back and let things happen to us or take AUTHORITY over of our situations with our words.

Brothers and Sisters, remember that there is POWER in your words. In Proverbs 13:2, it states that a good man will eat the good from the fruit of his mouth. The fruit of the mouth is our words. The tongue has the power of life and death and you will eat the fruit of your tongue (whether it is blessings or curses).

Remember that satan has no say or power over any circumstances in your life. Do not blame the devil for staying stuck in a situation. You have the authority to speak light into any darkness you may be going through. So the next time you are faced with a tough situation, speak the Word of God into your life and take AUTHORITY over it. Bind any satanic or demonic force that is trying to attack you and loose the hand of God into your life. Your AUTHORITY will get you to a place of breakthrough and allow you to win in every situation in your life.


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Let Freedom Ring

Hey Saints!

This past weekend was the Fourth of July weekend, when the United States of America declared freedom from England. Thinking about this, Holy Spirit impress upon me to write a blog about Freedom from Sin. I do warn you though, that this may upset you (if you are still bound by a sinful lifestyle). The reason for this blog is not to hurt you but to expose the truth because I truly want you to be as sharp as iron and grow in Christ. I pray that this blog falls on the good ground of your heart and by faith you will receive this Word. Many blessings to you!

Which way will you choose?

When Christ gave His life on the cross for us, He took up all of our sins with Him in death. According to Roman 6:18, "We have been set free from sin and are now servants of righteousness." What does it mean to be set free? Freedom is the release of or absence of ties or obligation. We are no longer tied and bound by sin or obligated to sin because we are not longer of this world. The crucification of Christ gave us God's grace and made us the righteousness of God. Why then, do some "Christians" continually sin against God's Word?

Now let me be clear, those who believe that Christ Jesus is the ONE & ONLY Lord and Savior have been granted salvation and grace from God. Grace is the forgiveness from God of sin that we have committed; the unmerited favor and blessing of God. Grace is a spiritual gift from God. However, our gift is NEVER to be used in vain. In Romans 6:1-2, Paul asks "What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means! We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?" Grace is used when we miss the mark not used so we can continue to live in a sinful lifestyle. The Bible warns us about that in Hebrews 10:26-31. If you continue to live a lifestyle of sin AFTER you hear the truth & know the truth, you are basically spitting in God's face for sending His Beloved Son to die for your sins and spitting in Jesus's face for bearing your sins on the cross.

Are you spitting in God and Jesus's face? Are you purposely forsaking the Word and choosing to live a life of sin? Please examine yourself.

If you are and want to change, THERE IS HOPE! For starters, read Romans 6 in its entire to get a better sense of being in sin vs. being in Christ. Then pray to the Father, in Christ's name, repent, and ask for forgiveness. After that, you must RENEW YOUR MIND (Romans 12:2 and Ephesians 4:22-24). My pastor, Dr. Creflo A. Dollar has 7 steps to Renewing your Mind:

  1. Decide - make a decision to change
  2. Desire - you must have a desire to change (you have to WANT to change for you)
  3. Deepen - your knowledge of the Word of God (The Word of God is a mighty weapon; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it.)
  4. Diligence - change requires consistency (SLACK = LACK)
  5. Defend - your mind from old thoughts & old ways (You know what sets you up for sin so flee from it/them).
  6. Disassociate - from some people & some circumstances
  7. Depend - on God & His Word for help (pray to & rely on God)

If you don't want to change from a sinful lifestyle, I ask you this: Are you TRULY happy with the way you are living?

Monday, June 28, 2010


Do EVERYTHING in LOVE - 1 Corinthians 16:14

My pastor has been talking a lot about LOVE. At first, I didn't understand why it was so important for him to "overstress" LOVE. But listening to his sermons, I realized that LOVE is the key to a successful life in Christ. God is LOVE (1 John 4:16) so if call ourselves Christians & God lives in us then we MUST have LOVE & show LOVE. LOVE became part of our DNA when we accepted Jesus as our Lord & Savior. Jesus gave us two commandments to follow which is found in Mark 12:30-31 "LOVE the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.'The second is this: 'LOVE your neighbor as yourself.'There is no commandment greater than these." When we obey His commandments, He will bless us but if we don't we will be lightly esteemed. The bible says that if we don't LOVE, we are liars (1 John 4:20) & murderers (1 John 3:15).

It is so critical that we as Christians not only LOVE God but LOVE our neighbors, & our enemies. Regardless of what someone may have done to us, we must show them LOVE. Loving someone who mistreated us or hates us is not weakness but it is showing our strength in God. As living epistles, we must show God's light in a dark world. We must not repay evil for evil but with blessings (1 Peter 3:9). Loving someone who mistreats you or hates you can be hard but remember, we can do ALL things through Christ who strengths us because of our Heavenly Father's grace. We must renew our minds to start loving. So if that means we need to make an effort to be nicer to strangers, volunteer, tell our family members & friends that we LOVE them, apologize to people even if we believe we did nothing wrong, we must DO IT! Those small steps will start becoming good & Godly habits of LOVE. Glory be to God.

Well BeLOVEd, You may wonder what LOVE is? In 1 Corinthians 13:4-8,a clear illustration of LOVE is given.

  • is patient
  • is kind
  • does not envy
  • does not boast
  • is not proud
  • is not rude
  • is not self-seeking
  • is not easily angered
  • keeps no record of wrongs
  • does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth
  • always protects
  • always trusts
  • always hopes
  • always perseveres.
  • never fails
So my brothers & sisters in Christ, what will you do to establish or build your LOVE walk?

Below is a song called "LOVE Never Fails" by Brandon Heath. I think that this song truly describes the kind of LOVE that God wants us to possess and show to His people on earth. Enjoy! I LOVE you all & I pray that you all show God's love to the world.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Virtuous Women

This weekend, I attended the 2010 Taffi Dollar Women's Conference in New York. The theme of the conference was "Authentic: Dare to be Real". The conference blessed me very much. In society, women are seen as sexual objects, 2nd class citizens, and a lot of other negative stigmata. But at the conference, I learned through the Word of God that He highly esteems women.

In Genesis2:18-25, we see that God saw that Adam was alone so He created every beast of the earth & every foul of the air (from dust) to see if Adam could find a helpmate. However, Adam saw no suitable helpmate. So God put Adam in a deep sleep, and He made Eve from Adam's rib. Everything that God made was made from dust except for the woman. Why is this? God made the woman to be a helper. A helper is a powerful aid; one who supplies what is lacking & power to accomplish a task. After Adam couldn't find a suitable helpmate, God, the great Being that He is, made the crème de la crème for Adam. He didn't create Eve from dust but from Adam's rib. He took His best creation, man, and made woman. That's how special God sees women.

If you thought that was powerful, think of this: God used a woman (Mary) to bring our glorious Savior, the Son of the Most High - Jesus Christ, into this world without the help of a man (Luke 1:26-38). Throughout Jesus's ministry, women helped to support Him and His 12 disciples out of their own means (Luke 1:1-3) .

So ladies, if you every feel that you are not worth much, remember that woman are VALUABLE! The Lord used us to do some AMAZING things & continues to use us. The women of God are VIRTUOUS WOMEN (Proverbs 31:10-31)!


Sunday, June 6, 2010

My Testimony

*Disclaimer: I received revelation from the Holy Spirit to write this blog. It is truly a blessing and an honor. I pray that this blog blesses you and hopefully encourages you to come to Christ.*

I have been saved since 2001 but I didn’t start doing the Will of God until 2010. During those 9 years, I have been living in the dark. Sure, I knew that Christ was my Savior but I didn’t grasp the concept of how important the shedding of his blood was or what it meant to be a living epistle of the Word. For the first 6 years of those 9 years, I was a Sunday Christian, where I would go to church almost every Sunday, learn the Word of God, go home and that’s it. I wouldn’t’ t open my bible until the following Sunday. I forgot what was taught to me after I left church and I did act like a Christian or follow the Word of God. I would have the occasion burst of good living and godliness but lust, depression, fear, selfishness, and anger were so deep rooted in my spirit that those burst wouldn’t last long. The last 3 years were the worst in my life spiritual. I stopped going to church regularly and lost my way to God. I allowed myself to be the target of manipulation, mental abuse, and pain. I didn’t care how I treated others and friends grew tired of my ways and walked out of my life.

I told myself in 2010 that I would make a change for the better. I was tired of living a life that was not in line with the Will of God. I was tired doing things my way and wanted to make a change and do things His way. I knew this was not easy task. I knew that in order to fully grow, I had to deny myself and trust in the Lord totally. I had to walk in love even when I didn’t feel like it; I had to forgive even when I was hurt, I had to be obedient to God even when my flesh was screaming, “Do you”. As I starting spending more time in the Word, going to church twice a week, and renewing my mind to Christ, my life has done a 180. I see the manifestation of the fruits of the Spirit in my life (Galatians 5:22-23) and because of that, God is blessing me. I feel like a refresh person, a new creature (2 Corinthians 5:17) full of life, love and prosperity.

It is very easy to start or come back to your journey through life in Christ. I created some steps that will help you along the way if you want to start a life with Jesus or come back to Him:

1. Get saved!!!
• Getting saved is the most fulfilling thing a person can ever do in their lives and it is a very easy task. Getting saved means that you confess with your mouth that Jesus is the one and only savior and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead (Romans 10:9) Pray this prayer: “Jesus, come into my heart. I’ve made some mistake in my life and I repent of my sins. I ask that you to be the head of my life. I believe that you died on the cross for my sins and rose on the 3rd day and are now sitting at the right hand of God. I boldly confess that you are my personal Lord and Savior. In your name I pray, Amen!” If you prayed that prayer, you are now a child of God!

*My Sister in Christ has an awesome video on Salvation:

2. Join a local, bible-based church.
• Now that you are saved, it is very important for you to join a church that thoroughly teaches the Word of God (the Bible). It is written in Hebrews 10:24-25 (The Message) – “Let's see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshiping together as some do but spurring each other on, especially as we see the big Day approaching.” Not only do you get to fellowship with Godly people, you also get to hear weekly (sometimes bi-weekly) sermons that will teach you about the bible and help you live a Godly life.

3. Stay committed to be a follower of Christ no matter what!
• Being a follower of Christ is not easy at first. You have to fight temptations and turn away from sin. But it becomes easier once you commit yourself to following Christ. You will start to hate doing the things you did in the past because you know it does not please God and as a child of God, you want to please Him because you love him. Before you know it you will hunger and thirst for time with God. You can start being committed by reading your bible (even if it's a children's bible), attending church services, and meditating on scriptures.

4. Connect with Godly people and limit or eliminate your time with past friends and/or family members who hinder your way of thinking
• When you hang with a person or a group of people for a long time, you start to act like them. Connecting with Godly people will help you grow as a Christian & before you know it you’ll start doing the things that Christians do (i.e. Read the bible, Pray, Worship, Turn from sin, Love & Trust God, etc.). But if you spend a lot of time with people that aren’t Christians or don’t do Godly things, you might be persuaded to go back to the lifestyle you once lived before becoming a Christian. In 1 Corinthians 15:33 it states “Do not be misled: ‘Bad company corrupts good character." As a Christian, you have to protect your mind & heart from worldly things. If this means that you have to limit or eliminate your time with worldly people, so be it.

5. Don’t allow ANYONE to condemn you or make you feel guilty of your past.
• One of the reasons why Jesus died on the cross was to pay for your sins. When you accepted Jesus as your Lord & Savior, you became the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus. God does NOT condemn you nor does He want anyone to condemn you or you to condemn yourself. Hebrew 10:16-22 states "This is the covenant I will make with them after that time, says the Lord. I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds. "Then he adds, "Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more. "And where these have been forgiven, there is no longer any sacrifice for sin. Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, and since we have a great priest over the house of God [who is Jesus], let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.” He loved you so much that He died on the cross while you were still in sin so that when you do accept Him as your Lord & Savior that you may be free from the sin you did in your past, present, & future.

6. Be happy of the progress that you have made as a follower in Christ and look forward to further progression
• As you start to pray more, read the bible, attend church weekly (or bi-weekly), listen to gospel music, spend more time with Godly people and do Godly thing, you will begin to change. Change does not happen overnight but you will start to see yourself being more Christ-like. Be happy about that. Don’t look at anyone else’s walk with God. Be concern about your personal, intimate relationship with God and smile about YOUR walk with Christ.

If you do these things, you will be well on your way to an awesome life with Christ! Be blessed, Beloved!

With agape love,
Nisheena Q. Smith