Hey Saints!
This past weekend was the Fourth of July weekend, when the United States of America declared freedom from England. Thinking about this, Holy Spirit impress upon me to write a blog about Freedom from Sin. I do warn you though, that this may upset you (if you are still bound by a sinful lifestyle). The reason for this blog is not to hurt you but to expose the truth because I truly want you to be as sharp as iron and grow in Christ. I pray that this blog falls on the good ground of your heart and by faith you will receive this Word. Many blessings to you!
Which way will you choose?
When Christ gave His life on the cross for us, He took up all of our sins with Him in death. According to Roman 6:18, "We have been set free from sin and are now servants of righteousness." What does it mean to be set free? Freedom is the release of or absence of ties or obligation. We are no longer tied and bound by sin or obligated to sin because we are not longer of this world. The crucification of Christ gave us God's grace and made us the righteousness of God. Why then, do some "Christians" continually sin against God's Word?
Now let me be clear, those who believe that Christ Jesus is the ONE & ONLY Lord and Savior have been granted salvation and grace from God. Grace is the forgiveness from God of sin that we have committed; the unmerited favor and blessing of God. Grace is a spiritual gift from God. However, our gift is NEVER to be used in vain. In Romans 6:1-2, Paul asks "What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means! We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?" Grace is used when we miss the mark not used so we can continue to live in a sinful lifestyle. The Bible warns us about that in Hebrews 10:26-31. If you continue to live a lifestyle of sin AFTER you hear the truth & know the truth, you are basically spitting in God's face for sending His Beloved Son to die for your sins and spitting in Jesus's face for bearing your sins on the cross.
Are you spitting in God and Jesus's face? Are you purposely forsaking the Word and choosing to live a life of sin? Please examine yourself.
If you are and want to change, THERE IS HOPE! For starters, read Romans 6 in its entire to get a better sense of being in sin vs. being in Christ. Then pray to the Father, in Christ's name, repent, and ask for forgiveness. After that, you must RENEW YOUR MIND (Romans 12:2 and Ephesians 4:22-24). My pastor, Dr. Creflo A. Dollar has 7 steps to Renewing your Mind:
- Decide - make a decision to change
- Desire - you must have a desire to change (you have to WANT to change for you)
- Deepen - your knowledge of the Word of God (The Word of God is a mighty weapon; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it.)
- Diligence - change requires consistency (SLACK = LACK)
- Defend - your mind from old thoughts & old ways (You know what sets you up for sin so flee from it/them).
- Disassociate - from some people & some circumstances
- Depend - on God & His Word for help (pray to & rely on God)
If you don't want to change from a sinful lifestyle, I ask you this: Are you TRULY happy with the way you are living?
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